Important Health Information

Prepared. Experienced. Committed.

Maintaining the health and safety of our residents and team members is always our top priority. 305 West End Assisted Living remains committed to the safety measures that we have put into place which are designed to help protect our residents, their families, and our team members alike.

The information detailed here may be edited or changed at any time as the COVID-19 situation changes and/or recommendations are updated by local, state, and federal health authorities. Always refer to this page for the most current date and time stamped information.

Last updated: 12/20/2023 14:52EST

Community Safety Protocols & Procedures

Spray bottle and cloth cleaning a hard surface

We have always been committed to the health and well-being of the residents in our care. Our team is always at the ready to adapt to new circumstances while still providing a great experience for residents at 305 West End Assisted Living.

Today, we continue to follow all protocols and procedures as directed by the federal, state and local health authorities. In many cases, we’re going above and beyond those guidelines with our own policies. Below you’ll find just some of the ways we’re still working to help protect residents, staff, and their families alike:

  1. 1. Staff is adequately supplied with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as needed, hand soap, and hand sanitizers to help reduce the risk of spread.
  2. 2. In accordance with the New York State mandate, the team members at 305 West End Assisted Living are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
  3. 3. We continue to follow infection control guidelines including frequent cleaning of all high touch areas with EPA registered disinfectants.
  4. 4. Hand sanitizing products are available throughout the communities as a supplement to regular and frequent handwashing.
  5. 5. We are providing ongoing in-services to keep everyone up-to-date on protocol and best practices, and offer continuous information and education to help everyone stay happy and healthy while at work or at home.

Visitation Information

We know how important family is and staying connected with your loved ones is as important as ever. 305 West End Assisted Living is licensed by the New York State Department of Health, which is allowing visitation without restriction.

We continue to follow the guidelines of the New York State Department of Health and the CDC regarding infection control and will request visitors do the same when recommended.

Additional Resources

Various medical symbols on a blue background

305 West End Assisted Living will continue to closely monitor all guidelines and directives set forth by the federal, state and local health authorities. The staff continues to go above and beyond each day to ensure that our residents continue to experience the finest in senior living.

We’ll update this webpage as more information becomes available or as the mandates evolve over time. We will remain committed to the health and safety of residents, their families as well as our team members.

  1. Updates from the State
    For all of the latest updates from New York State, current information can be found here: